The Twin Cities Classic

Sept 9 –  Sept 10, 2017
Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota


Play on the Twins field on Sunday, September 10, 2017. Plan to play 2 games in  2 and a half hours. You’ll dress in the clubhouse before the game and proceed out to one of MLB’s most beautiful fields.

In addition to playing in a Major League Park, on Saturday, September 9th we will play a full day, 4 games (2 per team) at the brand new pristine home of the legendary St. Paul Saints…CHS Field, just across the Mississippi River in St. Paul.

The tentative event schedule looks like this:

Saturday, Sept. 9

Play ball at CHS Field the home of St. Paul Saints all day. Use the batting tunnels, locker room and have lunch at the field.

A night out in the Twin Cities….great party town, plus Murrays Steak House in downtown Minny.

Sunday, Sept. 10

Report early to Target Field.

Play game one at 9AM

Play game two at 11:30AM

Shower in locker room and leave the ballpark by 3PM

Every team (4) will play each other once.

I have run events with this time limit and if you do as I suggest, you should get 3 or 4 at bats and play at least 9 or 10 innings per game. I’ll have MLB rules in effect which keeps play moving and of course, a rubber banded line up where everyone gets the same amount of at bats and playing time. No walks or hit by pitches…every batter gets the chance to hit.

PATP has not held an MLB Park event since Fenway 2013. To say it’s getting tougher to hold an event at an MLB Park is an understatement. Either the cost, concert promoters penciling in every open date, grounds crew concerns whatever…this could be the last time we step on a Major League Field.


Scott Green
Play At The Plate