We request the following rules and guidelines:
Major League-style uniforms only will be allowed on the fields. Since we’re playing on Major League facilities, we should all look like Major Leaguers. No softball, sweat pants or t-shirts will be permitted as uniforms at any time. No exceptions.
All PLAY AT THE PLATE camps and tournaments use only wooden bats. We do not supply bats.
PLAY AT THE PLATE /Rules Of The Game
Our tournaments are FULL RULES unless otherwise noted. We offer a Modified Division in Palm Beach, if there is enough interest. All MLB Park events follow Modified Rules to keep the event attractive to a wider range of participants and discourage high competitiveness instead of enjoying the facility. Our Father & Son event in Cooperstown is usually played under modified rules.
Should the situation arise where a modified team has to play against a full rules team, modified rules will be followed.
Scroll Down for Modified Rules
The following guidelines and rules cover the Full Rules division
01.1 The games are 7 innings or 2 ½ hrs.
01.2 The game is official after 5 innings
01.3 Extra innings will be played if needed and time is available. Every attempt to finish a game will be made.
01.4 An inning is over when a team has scored 7 runs
01.5 If a batter has a safe hit that results in more than the 7th run scoring, all runs from that play shall count.
01.6 Unlimited runs can be scored in the 7th inning and extra innings.
01.7 12 run mercy rule after 5 innings
02.1 There are passed balls and wild pitches
02.2 There are dropped third strikes, and batters may advance to first base if possible.
03.1 There is stealing
03.2 Pinch runners must be announced between the managers before the game
03.3 Exceptions to this rule are obvious injuries
03.4 The last batted out shall pinch run
03.5 Any player over 65 may ask for runner
03.6 No substitute runners from home plate
03.7 no substitute runners for pitchers or catchers
03.8 Runners may lead as far as they wish
04.1 A pitcher must pitch from the stretch with men on base. He may pitch from the wind up with a man on third.
04.2 A pitcher hitting 2 batters in one inning, shall be relieved. He may play anywhere else.
04.3 If the same pitcher returns and hits 2 more batters in the course of the game, he will be removed from pitching any further in that game. He may play any other position.
05.1 An outfielder can throw a runner out at first base.
05.2 Outfielders can throw runners out at second on force plays
06.1 You can bunt at any time in the game.
07.1 All players will appear in a revolving batting order
07.2 The on deck batter at the end of the game will lead off the next game
07.3 The manager of the team can alter his lineup before the second game. After the second game the lineup remains intact for the rest of the event
07.4 the lineup will not go to the top of the order if a playoff format is being used
07.5 All players must play the field at least 3 innings.
07.6 If a team alters their line up after the 2nd game a 5 run penalty will be against them. They then must return to the line up of their 2nd game.
08.2 No food or alcoholic beverages can leave the clubhouse at any time. The food provided is for registered players only.
08.3 Guests may enter the clubhouse, but only after it has been cleared with a staff member of PATP. No exceptions.
09.1 All players must wear an appropriate baseball uniform. No softball, sweat pants or t shirts will be allowed on the field at any time during the games.
09.1 The only contact on the field is tagging a runner. No take out plays or collisions at home plate. Whenever possible a player must slide at plays at home plate
09.2 There are no hidden ball tricks and no decking of base runners. If that occurs the runner will be granted and extra base.
09.3 Any player thrown out of a game by an umpire, risks expulsion from the camp.
09.4 There will be no tolerating abuse of an umpire or any official of the staff of the venue we are playing at.
09.5 Lineup cards are to be exchanged between the managers before every game. No exceptions
09.6 All players must be physically able to compete. No exceptions to this rule. A player must have the physical strength to make the routine plays and not be a deterrent to his team in the field or at bat. Should a player not have the capabilities to play, he may coach. No refund will be given to said player.
These modifications to the rules are being offered in an attempt to bring parity to the playing field, taking into consideration the wide variety of ages of the players.
01.1 The games are 7 innings or 2 ½ hrs.
01.2 The game is official after 5 innings
01.3 Extra innings will be played if needed and time is available. Every attempt to finish a game will be made.
01.4 An inning is over when a team has scored 7 runs
01.5 If a batter has a safe hit that results in more than the 7th run scoring, all runs from that play shall count.
01.6 Unlimited runs can be scored in the 7th inning and extra innings.
01.7 12 run mercy rule after 5 innings
02.1 There are no passed balls or wild pitches
02.2 There are no dropped third strikes
03.1 There is no stealing
03.2 Pinch runners must be announced between the managers before the game
03.3 Exceptions to this rule are obvious injuries
03.4 The last batted out shall pinch run
03.5 Any player over 65 may ask for runner
03.6 No substitute runners from home plate
03.7 no substitute runners for catchers
03.8 Runners may lead to the cut in the grass
03.9 Runners may advance once the ball crosses the plate
03.10 Runners may advance on two out full counts when the ball is released by the pitcher.
03.11 base runners will be called out when, his lead is past the cut in the grass, he advances early prior to ball crossing home plate, and leaves before the pitch has been released on the 2 out full count. NO WARNINGS!
04.1 A pitcher may pitch from the stretch or wind up at any time
04.2 A pitcher hitting 2 batters in one inning, shall be relieved. He may play anywhere else.
04.3 If the same pitcher returns and hits 2 more batters in the course of the game, he will be removed from pitching any further in that game. He may play any other position.
04.4 No pick off of any kind
05.1 No outfielder can throw a runner out at first base.
05.2 Outfielders can throw runners out at second on force plays
06.1 You can bunt at any time in the game, except when there is a runner on third base
06.2 Once you square to bunt you must either do so, or take the pitch. You can not fake a bunt and then swing away. You will be called out, and all runners will go back to their original bases
07.1 All players will appear in a revolving batting order
07.2 The on deck batter at the end of the game will lead off the next game
07.3 The manager of the team can alter his lineup before the second game. After the second game the lineup remains intact for the rest of the event.
07.4 the lineup will not go to the top of the order if a playoff format is being used
07.5 All players must play the field at least 3 innings.
07.6 If a team alters their line up after the 2nd game a 5 run penalty will be against them. They then must return to the line up of their 2nd game.
08.2 No food or alcoholic beverages can leave the clubhouse at any time. The food provided is for registered players only.
08.3 Guests may enter the clubhouse, but only after it has been cleared with a staff member of PATP. No exceptions.
09.1 All players must wear an appropriate baseball uniform. No softball, sweat pants or t shirts will be allowed on the field at any time during the games.
09.1 The only contact on the field is tagging a runner. No take out plays or collisions at home plate. Whenever possible a player must slide at plays at home plate
09.2 There are no hidden ball tricks and no decking of base runners. If that occurs the runner will be granted and extra base.
09.3 Any player thrown out of a game by an umpire, risks expulsion from the camp.
09.4 There will be no tolerating abuse of an umpire or any official of the staff of the venue we are playing at.
09.5 Lineup cards are to be exchanged between the managers before every game. No exceptions
09.6 All players must be physically able to compete. No exceptions to this rule. A player must have the physical strength to make the routine plays and not be a deterrent to his team in the field or at bat. Should a player not have the capabilities to play, he may coach. No refund will be given to said player.
Tournament Format
Our tournament generally run from Thursday to Sunday. This enables the players who need to get time off only 2 days away from work, rather than a week or so.
We will play two games daily the first three days of the tournament. The last day is just one game to make traveling easier. We’ll have batting practice either the day before the event officially starts or daily before the games, depending on the availability of the fields.
On Sunday we will have only the morning game to play. Your baseball day should be over by 1 o’clock. This day’s schedule could change if a game needs to be made up due to bad weather earlier in the event.
Some fields or parks also let us use the batting tunnels. There is also a chance that a clubhouse attendant will be working for us during the tournament. He will be laundering your uniforms, etc. You are expected to do the right thing and tip him during or at the end of the event; generally 5 dollars per day.
Scott Green
Play At The Plate