PATP - Summer Sale 2021!

Hello Players,
The Annual Summer Sale is back after a year off due to the Covid crisis and it’s time to get back to planning those baseball trips and saving some money in the process. You’ll have about 2 weeks to get the boys together and get your rosters ready.
Let’s start with our “I just wanna play some ball” downstate N.Y. event.
This no frills event which was a great success last year will still be at the 2020 price point of $2,000 per team, but now a team can save $200 bucks on a roster of 15 for just $1,800 ($150 for every player over the 15 limit) Single players can sign up during the sale for just $150.
A non-refundable $500 deposit and the balance paid 14 days after signing up guarantees you the rate and a spot. We hope to have 12 teams, this fall!

The Doubleday Fall Classic, Cooperstown N.Y. October 1-3, 2021
The annual event that never disappoints! A perfect father/son tournament….oops I mean parent/child event.
Regular price for a single player is: $395 Summer Sale: $349
Parent/child rate of $750 is reduced to $695
Parent/2 children reduced from $995 to $925
Team rate of 13 players is slashed from $4,350 to $4150 ($325 per player after 13)
Note: We already have some teams and single players signed up and paid. No worries I will credit your account for this sale!

Daytona Beach Classic (Formerly the “I just wanna play ball, Florida edition”)
Daytona Beach, Florida Feb. 24-27, 2022
We return to historic Jackie Robinson Ballpark in Daytona Beach, Feb with a V.I.P. package and a no frills option for a chance to pay ball on this historic field.
This year, the first 4 teams or pool players (approx.. 60 players) that would like to have all the amenities that PATP is famous for can now have a locker, lunch and laundry service in The Tortugas clubhouse.
The V.I.P. rate for a team of 13 is just $4225 but its cut down to only $3850 for a team to 13. ($295 for each player after 13). A non-refundable $750 deposit is required to save this spot with the balance to be paid by with 45 days of signing up.
The no frills option price drops from $2400 to $2250 per 13 man roster. ($200 per man after 13)
Pool player V.I.P. rate of $375 drops to $345
No frills rate is $225 per player gets reduced to $210
We’ve also procured Bethune Pt. Park 1 mile from the stadium to keep everything local and The Plaza Hotel and Spa on the beach is getting us a block of rooms again at another great rate. Info on that soon. We hope to have 8 teams and offer a full and modified division to this event.

The 17th (almost) Annual Palm Beach Classic
Roger Dean Stadium, Jupiter, Florida
April 7-10, 2022
We return to our old stomping grounds…The Dean!!
After a 2 year hiatus PATP returns to the site that hosted its first ever event all the way back in 2004. Hands down the best Spring Adult Baseball event in America!
The beautiful manicured fields, the stadium, locker rooms, lunch and laundry and all the amenities that PATP started and many now copy!
Plain and simply put…this is and will always be PATP’s signature event. The fees remain the same form our great time up at Dodgertown in Vero last year.
The team rate to 13 players is $5,500 which is sliced down to $4,850 ($400 over the 13 limit)
Single Players: Go from $495 to $375 during the sale.
The best bargain in adult baseball out there….join us for the 17th year in the fabulous Palm Beaches!
The Embassy Suites on PGA Blvd. is working on our group block.

The 3rd Annual Fantasy Camp World Series
Ballpark of the Palm Beaches
West Palm Beach, Florida
April 21-24, 2022
This event is fast becoming popular and exciting. 6 MLB teams were represented last year by their fantasy camp groups. We anticipate all 6 to return and at least 4 to 6 more joining us for this very competitive event at one of baseball newest venues.
And this year we have some limited locker room space available. The entire event will happen on site next year.
The very limited space in the clubhouse has only 2 spots left for full teams.
That package goes for $7,995 for a team to 15 ($475 per slot after 15)
But during the sale it drops down to $7,495. A $1000 deposit and the balance paid with 21 days of signing up gets you this great rate.
The no frills, just play and lunch package is $7,000 for a roster of 15 ($475 per player after 15) gets knocked down to $6495. A $1000 deposit and the balance paid with 21 days guarantees your great time in West Palm.
Oh and one more thing…you’re playing for a ring!!



Need more info…
Scott Green, President: 631-255-4475

Contact Scott here.

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