Just 3 weeks after returning from our spectacular trip to Tokyo, we are thrilled to announce the dates for next year’s touring and playing. They are September 12-19, 2016.
We will have a compete itinerary in a few weeks, but rest assured that this trip will include a game inside either the Tokyo Dome or Seibu Dome and perhaps even both venues. Playing in the Tokyo Dome was outrageous…it ranked up there for me just behind Fenway and Wrigley.
You’ll play 4 to 5 other games during the week at beautiful locations in and around Tokyo. I think a trip to Shimoda Bay could be in the works too for our exclusive practice session and team bonding trip.
Every year we go to Japan the trips get better and better.
The interest for this trip is very high and unfortunately the space is very limited. We are only taking 13 players plus guests. If you have always wanted to take a trip to Japan here is the perfect excuse. We will also have some of our dear Japanese friends showing the ladies around town for shopping excursions etc. There’s plenty to do for everyone.
The price for this year’s trip is $3,195…..that includes everything from the time you get off the plane to the time you fly back. Your airfare and alcohol is the only other cost…..all ground transportation, hotels, meals and baseball…..all of it is included in the fee.
You can reserve a spot with a $500 deposit with the balance to be paid by July 1, 2016.
Our great friends John Baessler and Mitz Tokuda will be handling all the scheduling and logistics.
I know it’s a long way off, but don’t wait to reserve your spot for the best baseball themed trip you’ll ever take…..
Play at the Plate