PATP Hall of Fame
Now’s your chance to vote for the Class of 2021! If there’s someone you feel is worthy for this top honor, let us know below (1 name minimum – 3 maximum) Thanks!
PATP Hall of Fame
2018 CLASS
RAY STEINER Ray has been attending PATP events for over a decade, is a baseball historian, a rubber armed pitcher and has recruited many players for us.
GREG GOODMAN Greg has supported PATP from day 1, has recruited dozens of players and managed all of them with competitive grace and class. Managed a PATP team in the MSBL World Series in the worst uniforms I could come up with. Still a good laugh to this day. We lost in the finals 2-1. Very savvy manager.
PATRICK PONATH Pat has been a stalwart participant since he came to St. Petersburg and played with us at Al Lang Field. We see Pat at multiple events per year. Solid player and person.
DONALD O’CONNOR Perhaps no one has attended as many PATP events then Donald. Quiet, unassuming and eager to play all the time ranks him right up there near the top of the client list.
PAUL LAUBENSTEIN Paulie is always at a couple events a year. Palm Beach for sure where he has managed a pool team for years, always without complaint from any player. He knows what we want to achieve and has always helps us get there.
TONY HATCH Tony is perhaps the biggest baseball nut I know. Who else flies to Australia to see his beloved Dodgers play? He is baseball crazy, he recruited for us for years and a staple at Palm Beach yearly and any new venue we come up with. He’s become a great friend.
RICH BROGAN Confident, quiet and a competitor with class and dignity. Rich has supported PATP since day the early days. Palm Beach, Major League parks wherever…Rich has been there. Always generous towards our charity Cleats for Kids. Class act.
DAVE HARVILL Plain and simply put, a man of immense class, dignity and hands down the best talented player of age we will ever have. He is an adult baseball icon and has been with us since day one and has been a close friend of mine for almost 25 years.
DICKIE VAUGHAN Another adult baseball icon who recently began playing in heaven, Dickie graced our events from day one and did it multiple times a year. He was in a league by himself and we will miss him tremendously. Never a bad thing to say about anyone he became an extremely close friend. I miss him dearly.
DAVE VONDERHAAR Dave only played in one or two events. But you probably know Dave pretty well if you’ve been to Palm Beach. He’s been the Cardinals head of the minor league complex, equipment manager and head clubbie since day one. He’s been taking care of our customers with quiet confidence and style. He’s my best friend in baseball and very generous to Cleats for Kids.
GENE RUECKERT Geno is in a class by himself. Arguably the funniest person I have ever met he competes hard and plays hard. He has managed the Reds to at least 10 titles in Palm Beach. He also took the reins from PATP to honor his late great friend Roy Yocum in an annual Memorial tournament every September for over 10 years. A great friend and sounding board and an original camper from 2004.
2019 CLASS
SCOTT BITZER and STEVE BITZER are the pillars of the Reds team that has captured more titles than any team in PATP history. In addition to their stellar play, the Bitzer brothers are a joy to be around. Always with the family in tow they have graced our events from the very start.
DOUG WEBSTER Plain and simply put….Doug is a quiet, respectful and hardnosed competitor from Louisiana who has recruited players for PATP events, managed pool teams and helped get our New Orleans gigs off the ground. He’s also one hell of a ballplayer.
IZZY PRESCIA Izzy was instrumental in helping us establish a foothold in New Orleans and later became a fixture at pretty much every event since. A gentleman and a rubber armed pitcher for years he is the consummate team mate.
ED MOORE Although Ed Moore has only been involved with PATP for 5 or 6 years, his recruiting of players and his remarkable generosity towards our Cleats for Kids program, especially his treating 100 children and families to outings to see his beloved Mets. His help with our Hamptons project every year made him an easy choice to include in the Hall of Fame
STEVE SPARKS PATP has brought me to many people, perhaps none more giving and in love the game of baseball than Sparky. In addition to the many events he joined us for he was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. It breaks my heart that his enshrinement was posthumously. I miss him and think of him often.
RANDY LUNDI I have known Randy for close to 30 years. He’s attended every Palm Beach Classic but his work behind the scenes to make that event happen and his eager attitude to see PATP succeed is what separates him from most players and clients. He’s a dear trusted friend.
SHANE BINNS the pride of London Ontario Canada. In addition to his obvious skills on the field, Shane has brought a level of fun, easy going but competitive attitude to all our events, most notably Palm Beach. Usually the last guy out of the clubhouse but always with a smile.
2020 CLASS
RIP VAN WINKLE It’s not every day a real life American hero continues to grace most of our events. Rip has served this nation with multiple tours to the Middle East as a gunnery Sgt. with unbelievable valor, commitment and pride. Throw in the fact he’s generally beloved by every player to join us and his skill level is high, made him an easy choice to join our Hall.
DR. DEAN GLASSER another important cog in the Reds machine, Dean has brought a calming subtle attitude with him to our events from pretty near day 1. Never without a smile on his face, this baseball loving, hardnosed competitor is gracious in both victory and defeat. A gentleman in every aspect.
JOHN MICICH John joined us in Sarasota one year to try a tournament and see if this was for him. He now plays in not just all our events but anything under the sun. We love the fact that John let PATP show him back to the game he loves. A great pitcher and team mate, his friendly persona graces our events.
BILLY ECKSTEIN Another Hall of Famer who was inducted posthumously Billy was my all-time favorite client. I just loved him. His self-deprecating sense of humor, his love and knowledge of the game and his attitude and demeanor at our events is sadly missed now. There could be no Hall of Fame without his presence.
ELIZABETH GROULX simply stated, if Liz Groulx didn’t do all the back scene work for PATP, we wouldn’t be here. I was the idea guy, she was the work horse. She kept yours truly in line, offered advice, got upset with me at times and loved being part of PATP and our clients loved her, as so they should. She is missed to this day, but is always aware of our doings and always finds time to see how the boys are doing.